Building in Public: Listening Season for Awakening Lands

In this is a new version of our “Building in Public”, and we’re sharing how we are making some updates to our recently published proposal. We realized that we need to take some time prototyping this workshop, using this opportuntity listen to our partners and community by condensing the workshop and delivering it to various groups throughout Erie Niagara. By doing this, we can refine the workshop, build experience and relationships, and have an easier process to share with other regions we are working with. We still plan to run a more formal series after this “season of listening”. We want to thank the Western New York Environmental Alliance for their ongoing support and insights as we take steps forward!

We also are excited to share a song that our friend, John Whitney, created for us at the end of this video. Check out this song and others by John on Vimeo!

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If you’d like to support Anna and Benji in this work, we would greatly appreciate it. We are getting ready to put a lot more energy into raising the funds we need to make this workshop and the work to follow a reality. We’re still a long ways from our goal. If this inspires you and you’d like to support, you can subscribe by hitting the button below and select an amount to donate. You can also subscribe for free, we don’t want money to limit anyone from participating.

If you’d like to make a one-time donation, you can do so here.

Perhaps the best way you could support us is by sharing this with friends who you feel might be aligned and also inspired.
We also have dreams of bringing resources to regenerative storytellers, artists, workshop facilitators, producers, grassroots media, weavers, leaders, and more. We so badly want to build Awakening Lands into a richly dynamic ecosystem of learning and inspiration sharing.
Please, help us to form a flow of energy towards the kinds of things we all want to see more of.

Many thanks to Kula Applied Research Institute for helping us to unlock funding sources and providing wisdom, collaboration, and friendship.
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Building in Public: Listening Season for Awakening Lands
Broadcast by